Title: | Functions to Estimate Tree Volume and Phytomass in the Italian Forest Inventory 2005 |
Description: | Tabacchi et al. (2011) published a very detailed study producing a uniform system of functions to estimate tree volume and phytomass components (stem, branches, stool). The estimates of the 2005 Italian forest inventory (<https://www.inventarioforestale.org/it/>) are based on these functions. The study documents the domain of applicability of each function and the equations to quantify estimates accuracies for individual estimates as well as for aggregated estimates. This package makes the functions available in the R environment. Version 2 exposes two distinct functions for individual and summary estimates. To facilitate access to the functions, tree species identification is now based on EPPO species codes (<https://data.eppo.int/>). |
Authors: | Nicola Puletti [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Nicola Puletti <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 2.4.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-21 05:15:59 UTC |
Source: | https://gitlab.com/nuoroforestryschool/forit |
The ForIT package provides two main functions, estimating respectively individual and summary values, and some accessory functions, facilitating package use and documenting its content
Tabacchi G., Di Cosmo L., Gasparini P., Morelli S., 2011a. Stima del volume e della fitomassa delle principali specie forestali italiane. Equazioni di previsione, tavole del volume e tavole della fitomassa arborea epigea. Stima del volume e della fitomassa delle principali specie forestali italiane. Equazioni di previsione, tavole del volume e tavole della fitomassa arborea epigea. 412 pp.
Tabacchi G., Di Cosmo L., Gasparini P., 2011b. Aboveground tree volume and phytomass prediction equations for forest species in Italy. European Journal of Forest Research 130: 6 911-934
The package exposes 5 tightly interconnected tibbles:
, INFCcatalog
, Quantities
, INFCparam
, INFCf_domains
INFCspecies INFCcatalog Quantities INFCparam INFCf_domains
INFCspecies INFCcatalog Quantities INFCparam INFCf_domains
An object of class tbl_df
(inherits from tbl
, data.frame
) with 44 rows and 3 columns.
An object of class tbl_df
(inherits from tbl
, data.frame
) with 26 rows and 4 columns.
An object of class tbl_df
(inherits from tbl
, data.frame
) with 5 rows and 2 columns.
An object of class tbl_df
(inherits from tbl
, data.frame
) with 130 rows and 5 columns.
An object of class tbl_df
(inherits from tbl
, data.frame
) with 617 rows and 4 columns.
Tables columns
EPPOcode [PK]
: species code, adopting EPPO database
: section page number in the original reference (Tabacchi et al., 2011a)
: EPPO preferred name for the species
pag [PK]
: section page number in the original reference (Tabacchi et al., 2011a)
: number of sample trees for the section
: number of parameters in the equations for the section
: section name (species or species group)
quantity [PK]
: code of the estimated quantity
: estimated quantity definition and measurement units
pag [PK]
: section page number in the original reference (Tabacchi et al., 2011a)
quantity [PK]
: code of the estimated quantity (see Quantities)
: weighted residual variance
: functions coefficients (a list of arrays)
: variance-covariance matrices (a list of 'dspMatrix')
pag [PK]
: section page number in the original reference (Tabacchi et al., 2011a)
htot.m [PK]
: tree height class [m] (class width 1 m)
: minimum tree diameter class [cm] (class width 1 cm)
: maximum tree diameter class [cm] (class width 1 cm)
Columns bm
and vcm
are lists, the dimensions of the arrays and
matrices they store vary depending on n_par
Matrices in vcm
are symmetric, stored as "dspMatrix" class objects.
Database schema is defined, verified and illustrated using package dm
library(dm) ForIT_DB <- dm(INFCcatalog, INFCspecies, Quantities, INFCparam, INFCf_domains) %>% dm_add_pk(INFCcatalog, pag, check = TRUE) %>% dm_add_pk(INFCspecies, EPPOcode, check = TRUE) %>% dm_add_fk(INFCspecies, pag, INFCcatalog, check = TRUE) %>% dm_add_pk(Quantities, quantity, check = TRUE) %>% dm_add_pk(INFCparam, c(pag, quantity), check = TRUE) %>% dm_add_fk(INFCparam, pag, INFCcatalog, check = TRUE) %>% dm_add_fk(INFCparam, quantity, Quantities, check = TRUE) %>% dm_add_pk(INFCf_domains, c(pag, htot.m), check = TRUE) %>% dm_add_fk(INFCf_domains, pag, INFCcatalog, check = TRUE) dm_examine_constraints(ForIT_DB) dm_draw(ForIT_DB, rankdir = "BT", view_type = "all", column_types = T)
A tiny test dataset including example data displayed in Tabacchi et al. (2011), the basic reference for ForIT package.
A data frame with 16 rows and 5 variables:
The dataset is produced by the following code.
ForIT_test_data <- dplyr::tribble( ~UC, ~IdF, ~specie, ~d130, ~h_dendro, # UC: Plot Id (Unità Campionaria) # IdF: Stem ID (Identificativo Fusto) # specie: EPPO species code (see https://gd.eppo.int/) # - ACRCA: Acer campestre # - ABIAL: Abies alba # - FAUSY: Fagus sylvatica # d130: trunk diameter at breast height [cm] # h_dendro: tree height [m] # Example data in Tabacchi et al. (2011) pag. 25 "U1","01","ACRCA",10,7, "U1","02","ACRCA",15,9, "U1","03","ACRCA",20,12, "U1","04","ACRCA",30,20, "U1","05","ACRCA",32,21, "U1","06","ACRCA",24,18, "U1","07","ACRCA",36,21, "U1","08","ACRCA",40,22, "U1","09","ACRCA",8,8, "U1","10","ACRCA",18,12, # Example continuation, pag. 27 "U2","01","ABIAL",38,21, "U2","02","ABIAL",52,28, "U2","03","FAUSY",25,16, "U2","04","FAUSY",30,18, "U2","05","FAUSY",12,10, # Extra lines, to test for 'out of domain' "U0","01","ACRCA",22,14, # pag. 24 "U0","02","ACRCA",30,10 )
A large dataset used by 'INFCaccuracyPlot0()' to speed the production of a fine resolution CV surface for the plots.
A data frame with 167560 rows and 7 variables:
see 'INFCcatalog' primary key
see 'Quantities'
trunk diameter at breast height (dbh), in cm
tree height, in m
coefficient of variation for an individual estimate
coefficient of variation for the estimate of an average
estimated value for the selected 'quantity'. See 'INFCvpe()' for more details
number of parameters that the function requires
is the (dbh, htot) point within the function domain?
The dataset is produced by the following code.
Populate_INFC_CVgrid <- function() { INFCcatalog %>% select(pag) %>% inner_join(INFCspecies %>% select(pag, EPPOcode), by = "pag") %>% group_by(pag) %>% summarise(EPPOcode = first(EPPOcode), .groups = "drop") %>% inner_join(Quantities %>% select(quantity), by = character()) %>% mutate(grid.k = pmap(list(pag, EPPOcode, quantity), compute_grid0)) %>% select(-EPPOcode) %>% unnest(cols = c(grid.k)) %>% return() }
functionA data.frame
containing the "range of applicability" (or "domain")
of INFCvpe()
A data frame with 18563 observations on the following 2 variables.
a character vector
a factor with levels y
Tabacchi G., Di Cosmo L., Gasparini P., Morelli S., 2011a. Stima del volume e della fitomassa delle principali specie forestali italiane. Equazioni di previsione, tavole del volume e tavole della fitomassa arborea epigea. Stima del volume e della fitomassa delle principali specie forestali italiane. Equazioni di previsione, tavole del volume e tavole della fitomassa arborea epigea. 412 pp. [ITA, ita]
The tables published in the work on which this package is based, convey a very
relevant part of the information produced: printed numbers serve as reference to
verify that coded functions return expected results and, more specifically, empty
spaces in the printed tables signal function applicability domain. In other words,
measurement data used to estimate function coefficients values, cover only the
portion of the (dbh, htot)
plane where numbers are printed.
INFCtabulate( EPPOcode, quantity = "vol", dbh.by = 5, htot.by = 3, digits = 1, print_tab = T )
INFCtabulate( EPPOcode, quantity = "vol", dbh.by = 5, htot.by = 3, digits = 1, print_tab = T )
EPPOcode |
tree species code defined by the EPPO database https://gd.eppo.int/search. Lookup 'INFCspecies' dataframe to retrieve recognized codes. |
quantity |
for each species (or species group) different quantities can be estimated. Quantity's definitions and Ids are exposed by the 'Quantities' dataframe. Default value is "vol", estimation of timber volume. |
dbh.by |
... |
htot.by |
increment value between rows
(respectively columns) expressed in 'cm' (respectively 'm') for |
digits |
number of decimal digits to expose in the table. Default one decimal digit. |
print_tab |
defaults to TRUE in order to produce a text output. If set to FALSE no printing will occur (see 'return') |
Function principal output is the printout of the volume or phytomass tables. If print_tab = FALSE, the function will only return a tibble with a list column containing the tabulation of the required estimation equation/s. Using default values, tables will be identical (or anyway similar) to the corresponding published tables, with white (NA) cells delimiting the domain of applicability of the equation.
## Not run: INFCtabulate(c("ABIAL", "ACRCA"), quantity = "vol", dbh.by = 5, htot.by = 3, digits = 1) # EPPO code: ABIAL - pag = 33 - quantity = vol # htot.m # dbh.cm 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 # 9 23.2 32.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA # 14 NA 77.9 100.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA # 19 NA 142.3 183.3 224.3 NA NA NA NA NA # 24 NA NA 291.1 356.4 421.8 487.2 NA NA NA # 29 NA NA NA 518.9 614.3 709.8 805.2 NA NA # 34 NA NA NA 711.6 842.8 974.0 1105.2 1236.4 NA # 39 NA NA NA NA 1107.2 1279.8 1452.5 1625.1 1797.7 # 44 NA NA NA NA NA 1627.2 1847.0 2066.7 2286.5 # 49 NA NA NA NA NA 2016.3 2288.8 2561.4 2833.9 # 54 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2778.0 3109.0 3439.9 # 59 NA NA NA NA NA NA 3314.4 3709.5 4104.6 # 64 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4363.1 4828.0 # --- # EPPO code: ACRCA - pag = 231 - quantity = vol # htot.m # dbh.cm 7.5 10.5 13.5 16.5 19.5 22.5 # 9.5 26.8 36.8 NA NA NA NA # 14.5 NA 83.6 106.9 NA NA NA # 19.5 NA 149.7 192.0 234.3 276.6 NA # 24.5 NA NA 302.2 369.0 435.7 NA # 29.5 NA NA NA 534.2 631.0 727.8 # 34.5 NA NA NA 729.9 862.4 994.8 # 39.5 NA NA NA NA 1129.9 1303.5 # --- ## End(Not run)
## Not run: INFCtabulate(c("ABIAL", "ACRCA"), quantity = "vol", dbh.by = 5, htot.by = 3, digits = 1) # EPPO code: ABIAL - pag = 33 - quantity = vol # htot.m # dbh.cm 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 # 9 23.2 32.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA # 14 NA 77.9 100.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA # 19 NA 142.3 183.3 224.3 NA NA NA NA NA # 24 NA NA 291.1 356.4 421.8 487.2 NA NA NA # 29 NA NA NA 518.9 614.3 709.8 805.2 NA NA # 34 NA NA NA 711.6 842.8 974.0 1105.2 1236.4 NA # 39 NA NA NA NA 1107.2 1279.8 1452.5 1625.1 1797.7 # 44 NA NA NA NA NA 1627.2 1847.0 2066.7 2286.5 # 49 NA NA NA NA NA 2016.3 2288.8 2561.4 2833.9 # 54 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2778.0 3109.0 3439.9 # 59 NA NA NA NA NA NA 3314.4 3709.5 4104.6 # 64 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4363.1 4828.0 # --- # EPPO code: ACRCA - pag = 231 - quantity = vol # htot.m # dbh.cm 7.5 10.5 13.5 16.5 19.5 22.5 # 9.5 26.8 36.8 NA NA NA NA # 14.5 NA 83.6 106.9 NA NA NA # 19.5 NA 149.7 192.0 234.3 276.6 NA # 24.5 NA NA 302.2 369.0 435.7 NA # 29.5 NA NA NA 534.2 631.0 727.8 # 34.5 NA NA NA 729.9 862.4 994.8 # 39.5 NA NA NA NA 1129.9 1303.5 # --- ## End(Not run)
Using the functions developed for INFC 2005 (the 2005 Italian national forest inventory),
stem volume or tree compartment phytomass are estimated for each
(EPPOcode, dbh.cm, htot.m)
input tuple.
Accompaining the main value, accuracy estimates are returned, as attributes.
The functions are documented in Tabacchi et al. (2011a)
INFCvpe(EPPOcode, dbh.cm, htot.m, quantity = "vol")
INFCvpe(EPPOcode, dbh.cm, htot.m, quantity = "vol")
EPPOcode |
Character vector of tree species code, as defined in EPPO database,
(See |
dbh.cm |
Numeric vector of stem/s breast height diameter (in cm) |
htot.m |
Numeric vector of tree total height/s (in m). Length equal to dbh.cm vector or one. In this case same value will be replicated for all dbh.cm entries |
quantity |
(default = |
Output value will have following added attributes with estimates accuracy evaluations for each stem:
- page number, referred to original source
- weighted residual variance
- variance for an estimated average
or variance for 'confidence interval' estimation,
see prediction.lm(.., interval = "confidence")
- variance for an individual estimate
or 'prediction variance', (see prediction.lm(.., interval = "prediction")
Freese, 1964 - in:Tabacchi, 2011
- logical indicating whether the (dbh, htot) point lies
out of the domain explored by the experimental data (see 'INFCtabulate()')
The functions returns a Numeric vector of the same length
of the dbh.cm
argument, with accuracy info as attributes
and functions related to INFCvpe_sum()
to produce
estimates of aggregates with better accuracy evaluation
# COMPARE WITH Tabacchi (2011a) page 25 ---- (v <- INFCvpe("ACRCA", dbh.cm = 22, htot.m = 14)) # [1] 252.9581 # attr(,"pag") # [1] 231 # attr(,"wrv") # [1] 2.271e-05 # attr(,"Var_ea") # [1] 33.17182 # attr(,"Var_ie") # [1] 1075.883 # attr(,"InDomain") # [1] TRUE # Standard Error of the Estimate see <- sqrt(attr(v, "Var_ie")) # Degrees of freedom df <- INFCcatalog$n_oss[INFCcatalog$pag == attr(v, "pag")] - INFCcatalog$n_par[INFCcatalog$pag == attr(v, "pag")] # confidence level p <- 95/100 # Confidence Interval Half Width cihw <- qt(1-(1-p)/2, df) * see cat(" *** Volume confidence interval (p = ", p*100, "%) is [", round(v, 1), " +/- ", round(cihw, 1), "] dm^3\n", sep = "") # ESTIMATION OF PHYTOMASS ---- Quantities[5,] %>% as.data.frame() # quantity quantity_definition # 1 dw4 phytomass of the whole tree [kg] tree_phy <- INFCvpe(c("ACRCA", "ALUCO"), dbh.cm = c(22, 15), htot.m = c(14, 16), quantity = "dw4") tree_phy # [1] 185.1291 87.7970 # attr(,"pag") # [1] 231 245 # attr(,"wrv") # [1] 3.142e-05 2.104e-05 # attr(,"Var_ea") # [1] 45.89002 9.12407 # attr(,"Var_ie") # [1] 1488.5135 281.8072 # attr(,"InDomain") # [1] TRUE TRUE # PROCESSING A TALLY DATA-FRAME ---- tst_vol <- ForIT_test_data %>% dplyr::mutate(vol = INFCvpe(specie, d130, h_dendro), OutOfDomain = !attr(vol, "InDomain")) tst_vol %>% dplyr::filter(OutOfDomain) tst_vol %>% dplyr::filter(UC == "U1") # SUMS AND direct ACCUARACY AGGREGATION (instead of via ?INFCvpeSUM) ---- df <- function(pag) return( INFCcatalog %>% dplyr::right_join(tibble::tibble(pag = !!pag), by = "pag") %>% dplyr::transmute(df = n_oss - n_par) %>% purrr::pluck(1) ) p <- 95/100 tst_vol %>% dplyr::mutate(cihw = qt(1-(1-p)/2, df(attr(vol, "pag"))) * sqrt(attr(vol, "Var_ie")) ) %>% dplyr::filter(!OutOfDomain) %>% dplyr::group_by(specie) %>% dplyr::summarise(.groups = "drop", est = sum(vol), cihw = sqrt(sum(cihw^2)), ) %>% dplyr::left_join(INFCspecies %>% dplyr::select(EPPOcode, pag), by = c("specie" = "EPPOcode")) %>% dplyr::left_join(INFCcatalog %>% dplyr::select(pag, section), by = "pag") %>% dplyr::select(-c(specie, pag)) %>% dplyr::rename(specie = section) %>% dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c("est", "cihw"), ~round(.x, 1))) %>% dplyr::arrange(specie) %>% dplyr::select(specie, est, cihw) -> tab tab[c(2,1,3),] %>% t() rm(tst_vol, tab, df)
# COMPARE WITH Tabacchi (2011a) page 25 ---- (v <- INFCvpe("ACRCA", dbh.cm = 22, htot.m = 14)) # [1] 252.9581 # attr(,"pag") # [1] 231 # attr(,"wrv") # [1] 2.271e-05 # attr(,"Var_ea") # [1] 33.17182 # attr(,"Var_ie") # [1] 1075.883 # attr(,"InDomain") # [1] TRUE # Standard Error of the Estimate see <- sqrt(attr(v, "Var_ie")) # Degrees of freedom df <- INFCcatalog$n_oss[INFCcatalog$pag == attr(v, "pag")] - INFCcatalog$n_par[INFCcatalog$pag == attr(v, "pag")] # confidence level p <- 95/100 # Confidence Interval Half Width cihw <- qt(1-(1-p)/2, df) * see cat(" *** Volume confidence interval (p = ", p*100, "%) is [", round(v, 1), " +/- ", round(cihw, 1), "] dm^3\n", sep = "") # ESTIMATION OF PHYTOMASS ---- Quantities[5,] %>% as.data.frame() # quantity quantity_definition # 1 dw4 phytomass of the whole tree [kg] tree_phy <- INFCvpe(c("ACRCA", "ALUCO"), dbh.cm = c(22, 15), htot.m = c(14, 16), quantity = "dw4") tree_phy # [1] 185.1291 87.7970 # attr(,"pag") # [1] 231 245 # attr(,"wrv") # [1] 3.142e-05 2.104e-05 # attr(,"Var_ea") # [1] 45.89002 9.12407 # attr(,"Var_ie") # [1] 1488.5135 281.8072 # attr(,"InDomain") # [1] TRUE TRUE # PROCESSING A TALLY DATA-FRAME ---- tst_vol <- ForIT_test_data %>% dplyr::mutate(vol = INFCvpe(specie, d130, h_dendro), OutOfDomain = !attr(vol, "InDomain")) tst_vol %>% dplyr::filter(OutOfDomain) tst_vol %>% dplyr::filter(UC == "U1") # SUMS AND direct ACCUARACY AGGREGATION (instead of via ?INFCvpeSUM) ---- df <- function(pag) return( INFCcatalog %>% dplyr::right_join(tibble::tibble(pag = !!pag), by = "pag") %>% dplyr::transmute(df = n_oss - n_par) %>% purrr::pluck(1) ) p <- 95/100 tst_vol %>% dplyr::mutate(cihw = qt(1-(1-p)/2, df(attr(vol, "pag"))) * sqrt(attr(vol, "Var_ie")) ) %>% dplyr::filter(!OutOfDomain) %>% dplyr::group_by(specie) %>% dplyr::summarise(.groups = "drop", est = sum(vol), cihw = sqrt(sum(cihw^2)), ) %>% dplyr::left_join(INFCspecies %>% dplyr::select(EPPOcode, pag), by = c("specie" = "EPPOcode")) %>% dplyr::left_join(INFCcatalog %>% dplyr::select(pag, section), by = "pag") %>% dplyr::select(-c(specie, pag)) %>% dplyr::rename(specie = section) %>% dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c("est", "cihw"), ~round(.x, 1))) %>% dplyr::arrange(specie) %>% dplyr::select(specie, est, cihw) -> tab tab[c(2,1,3),] %>% t() rm(tst_vol, tab, df)
Cumulative estimation of the volume or phytomass of groups of trees is just
the summation of the values computed with INFCvpe()
, but the computation of
accuracy estimates is improved using these summation functions.
Two approaches are available.
Via INFCvpe_summarise()
that processes and returns a data frame
or by following aggregation functions within a standard summarise()
INFCvpe_summarise( in.data, EPPOcode_C, dbh_C, h_tot_C, quantity = "vol", p = 0.95 ) INFCvpe_sum(EPPOcode, dbh, h_tot, quantity = "vol") INFCvpe_ConfInt(EPPOcode, dbh, h_tot, quantity = "vol", p = 0.95) INFCvpe_OutOfDomain(EPPOcode, dbh, h_tot)
INFCvpe_summarise( in.data, EPPOcode_C, dbh_C, h_tot_C, quantity = "vol", p = 0.95 ) INFCvpe_sum(EPPOcode, dbh, h_tot, quantity = "vol") INFCvpe_ConfInt(EPPOcode, dbh, h_tot, quantity = "vol", p = 0.95) INFCvpe_OutOfDomain(EPPOcode, dbh, h_tot)
in.data |
A dataframe (or tibble) containing tally data to be matched with "EPPOcode_C", "dbh_C" and "htot_C" arguments |
EPPOcode_C |
A string, the name of the column in |
dbh_C |
A string, the name of the column in |
h_tot_C |
A string, the name of the column in |
quantity |
(default =
p |
(default OPZIONE 2 |
EPPOcode |
A character vector with the species EPPO codes (with length = 1 or length = length(dbh)) |
dbh |
A numeric vector with the brest height diameter values |
h_tot |
A numeric vector with the tree total height values (with length = 1 or length = length(dbh)) |
Functions developed following Tabacchi et al. (2011), pages 23-26.
returns a dataframe (tibble) with
the grouping columns defined with group_by()
, and the following columns:
: as additional grouping column,
: number of trees in the group,
: the number of (dbh, htot)
pairs that are 'out of the domain',
: the estimated value,
: confidence interval half width
: probability used computing cihw
- the functions of this family return a numeric vector,
aggregating rows within the same group,
returns the sum of the estimated quantities,
returns 'confidence interval half width',
returns the number of 'out of domain'
(dhb, h_tot)
pairs included in the summation
to compute individual estimates, with detailed accuracy evaluation
## Not run: Sezione <- function(EPPOcodes){ # retrive 'Sezione' name, decoding EPPO codes INFCspecies %>% dplyr::filter(EPPOcode %in% EPPOcodes) %>% dplyr::left_join(INFCcatalog,by = "pag")%>% dplyr::select(section) %>% purrr::pluck(1) } tst <- ForIT_test_data %>% dplyr::filter(UC != "U0") # select Tabachi et al. example data tst %>% dplyr::group_by(specie) %>% INFCvpe_summarise("specie", "d130", "h_dendro") %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::mutate(specie = Sezione(specie), dplyr::across(c("est", "cihw"), ~round(.x, 1)) ) %>% dplyr::select(specie, est, cihw) %>% dplyr::arrange(specie) %>% dplyr::slice(2, 1, 3) %>% t() %>% provideDimnames(base = list(dimnames(.)[[1]], ""), unique=FALSE) # Compare ForIT (ver 2) output ## specie "Aceri" "Abete bianco" "Faggio" ## est "4623.0" "4044.2" "1079.4" ## cihw "567.5" "661.2" "275.4" # with 'Tabella 2' in Tabacchi et al. (2011, pag. 27) ## specie "aceri" "abete bianco" "faggio" ## est "4623.0" "4044.2" "1079.4" ## cihw "567.4" "662.4" "279.2" # Using 'INFCvpe_summarise()' ## Overall totals tst %>% INFCvpe_summarise("specie", "d130", "h_dendro", quantity = c("vol", "dw4")) ## Group by dbh class ('cld') tst %>% dplyr::mutate(cld = ceiling(d130/5)*5) %>% dplyr::group_by(UC, specie, cld) %>% INFCvpe_summarise("specie", "d130", "h_dendro") ## Group by sampling unit ('UC') tst %>% dplyr::group_by(UC) %>% INFCvpe_summarise("specie", "d130", "h_dendro", quantity = "dw4") # Using 'INFCvpeSUM' aggregation functions ## Esitmate 'dw4' phytomass, by sampling unit ('UC') tst %>% dplyr::group_by(UC) %>% dplyr::summarise( n_stems = dplyr::n(), OoD = INFCvpe_OutOfDomain(specie, d130, h_dendro), dw4 = INFCvpe_sum(specie, d130, h_dendro, quantity = "dw4"), dw4_ConfInt = INFCvpe_ConfInt(specie, d130, h_dendro, quantity = "dw4") ) ## Esitmate volume, by sampling unit ('UC') tst %>% dplyr::group_by(UC) %>% dplyr::summarise( n_stems = dplyr::n(), OoD = INFCvpe_OutOfDomain(specie, d130, h_dendro), vol = INFCvpe_sum(specie, d130, h_dendro), vol_ConfInt = INFCvpe_ConfInt(specie, d130, h_dendro) ) rm(tst, Sezione) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: Sezione <- function(EPPOcodes){ # retrive 'Sezione' name, decoding EPPO codes INFCspecies %>% dplyr::filter(EPPOcode %in% EPPOcodes) %>% dplyr::left_join(INFCcatalog,by = "pag")%>% dplyr::select(section) %>% purrr::pluck(1) } tst <- ForIT_test_data %>% dplyr::filter(UC != "U0") # select Tabachi et al. example data tst %>% dplyr::group_by(specie) %>% INFCvpe_summarise("specie", "d130", "h_dendro") %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::mutate(specie = Sezione(specie), dplyr::across(c("est", "cihw"), ~round(.x, 1)) ) %>% dplyr::select(specie, est, cihw) %>% dplyr::arrange(specie) %>% dplyr::slice(2, 1, 3) %>% t() %>% provideDimnames(base = list(dimnames(.)[[1]], ""), unique=FALSE) # Compare ForIT (ver 2) output ## specie "Aceri" "Abete bianco" "Faggio" ## est "4623.0" "4044.2" "1079.4" ## cihw "567.5" "661.2" "275.4" # with 'Tabella 2' in Tabacchi et al. (2011, pag. 27) ## specie "aceri" "abete bianco" "faggio" ## est "4623.0" "4044.2" "1079.4" ## cihw "567.4" "662.4" "279.2" # Using 'INFCvpe_summarise()' ## Overall totals tst %>% INFCvpe_summarise("specie", "d130", "h_dendro", quantity = c("vol", "dw4")) ## Group by dbh class ('cld') tst %>% dplyr::mutate(cld = ceiling(d130/5)*5) %>% dplyr::group_by(UC, specie, cld) %>% INFCvpe_summarise("specie", "d130", "h_dendro") ## Group by sampling unit ('UC') tst %>% dplyr::group_by(UC) %>% INFCvpe_summarise("specie", "d130", "h_dendro", quantity = "dw4") # Using 'INFCvpeSUM' aggregation functions ## Esitmate 'dw4' phytomass, by sampling unit ('UC') tst %>% dplyr::group_by(UC) %>% dplyr::summarise( n_stems = dplyr::n(), OoD = INFCvpe_OutOfDomain(specie, d130, h_dendro), dw4 = INFCvpe_sum(specie, d130, h_dendro, quantity = "dw4"), dw4_ConfInt = INFCvpe_ConfInt(specie, d130, h_dendro, quantity = "dw4") ) ## Esitmate volume, by sampling unit ('UC') tst %>% dplyr::group_by(UC) %>% dplyr::summarise( n_stems = dplyr::n(), OoD = INFCvpe_OutOfDomain(specie, d130, h_dendro), vol = INFCvpe_sum(specie, d130, h_dendro), vol_ConfInt = INFCvpe_ConfInt(specie, d130, h_dendro) ) rm(tst, Sezione) ## End(Not run)
Volume and phytomass functions are tabulated in Tabacchi et al. (2011a).
The tabulation covers a limited region of the dbh
by h_tot
This region is the "domain" of the reliable estimates, based on the
distribution of the sample trees used to calibrate the functions.
The coefficient of variation (CV = standard_deviation / estimate) is computed
and plotted (as 'filled contours') for the whole rectangular area,
the limits of the region of reliable estimates (the "domain"), is
superimposed as a light colored line. Function output is a ggplot
object that can be used
by its self or as a background on top of which the user can plot his/her data to
verify eventual accuracy or reliability problems.
Two functions are available.
- allows the plots to be fully customized but, beware,
all values required for the 'fill' will be computed and,
at finer resolution, the process can be slow.
- produces, much faster, the plots at the finest
resolution, using pre-calculated values stored in
a specific auxiliary dataframe (see INFC_CVgrid
necessarily leaving less customization freedom.
(** compute_grid0()
- is an internal function exported for the sake of
the Populate_INFC_CVgrid()
function **)
INFCaccuracyPlot( EPPOcod, quantity = "vol", ie.Var = FALSE, cv.ul = 0.1, fixed = TRUE, plot.est = FALSE, dbh.step = 5, htot.step = dbh.step, dbh.buf = 1, htot.buf = dbh.buf ) INFCaccuracyPlot0( EPPOcod, quantity = "vol", ie.Var = FALSE, cv.ul = 0.1, fixed = TRUE, plot.est = FALSE ) compute_grid0(pag, EPPOcod, quantity)
INFCaccuracyPlot( EPPOcod, quantity = "vol", ie.Var = FALSE, cv.ul = 0.1, fixed = TRUE, plot.est = FALSE, dbh.step = 5, htot.step = dbh.step, dbh.buf = 1, htot.buf = dbh.buf ) INFCaccuracyPlot0( EPPOcod, quantity = "vol", ie.Var = FALSE, cv.ul = 0.1, fixed = TRUE, plot.est = FALSE ) compute_grid0(pag, EPPOcod, quantity)
EPPOcod |
A string, one of the EPPO tree species codes listed in
quantity |
(optional) A string specifying the quantity to be estimated,
one of |
ie.Var |
(optional) Logical. Choose variance estimator:
cv.ul |
(optional) Numeric. Cutoff CV level for the plot. Defaults to 0.1 |
fixed |
(optional) Logical. Contour plot breaks:
plot.est |
(optional) Logical. Add the 'estimated quantity' layer as
contour lines. Default |
dbh.step |
(optional) Numeric. Computation with smaller step produces a
plot with better resolution but increases consistently computation time
(see |
htot.step |
(optional) Numeric. As for dbh. |
dbh.buf |
(optional) Numeric. Extra space in the plot beyond the 'domain'. Default: 1 |
htot.buf |
(optional) Numeric. As for dbh. |
pag |
for the internal function |
The function returns a ggplot object.
## Not run: INFCaccuracyPlot("FRXAN") # 'INFCaccuracyPlot()' can be slow because # it computes all the CV values needed to fill backgroud plot, # hence default values are set to a coarser resolution. \donttest{ INFCaccuracyPlot("FRXAN", dbh.step = 1, htot.step = 1) # computing with high resolution is slow } INFCaccuracyPlot0("FRXAN") # 'INFCaccuracyPlot0()' is quick, it uses stored values INFCaccuracyPlot0("FRXAN", "dw4") INFCaccuracyPlot0("FRXAN", "dw4", ie.Var = TRUE) # deafult fixed break values are not alwais optimal INFCaccuracyPlot0("FRXAN", "dw4", ie.Var = TRUE, fixed = FALSE, cv.ul=.9) # tailoring can improve INFCaccuracyPlot0("FRXAN", plot.est = TRUE) # 'quantity' estimation iso-lines can be superimposed background <- INFCaccuracyPlot0("ACROP", plot.est = TRUE) foreground <- ForIT_test_data %>% dplyr::filter(specie == "ACROP") %>% dplyr::mutate(vol = INFCvpe(specie, d130, h_dendro)) %>% ggplot2::geom_point(map = ggplot2::aes(h_dendro, d130, size = vol)) background + foreground # Adding a custom foreground rm(background, foreground) INFCaccuracyPlot0("ABIAL") # high resolution and quick, using pre-calculated backgroung values INFCaccuracyPlot("ABIAL") # default values produce a coarser resolution ## End(Not run)
## Not run: INFCaccuracyPlot("FRXAN") # 'INFCaccuracyPlot()' can be slow because # it computes all the CV values needed to fill backgroud plot, # hence default values are set to a coarser resolution. \donttest{ INFCaccuracyPlot("FRXAN", dbh.step = 1, htot.step = 1) # computing with high resolution is slow } INFCaccuracyPlot0("FRXAN") # 'INFCaccuracyPlot0()' is quick, it uses stored values INFCaccuracyPlot0("FRXAN", "dw4") INFCaccuracyPlot0("FRXAN", "dw4", ie.Var = TRUE) # deafult fixed break values are not alwais optimal INFCaccuracyPlot0("FRXAN", "dw4", ie.Var = TRUE, fixed = FALSE, cv.ul=.9) # tailoring can improve INFCaccuracyPlot0("FRXAN", plot.est = TRUE) # 'quantity' estimation iso-lines can be superimposed background <- INFCaccuracyPlot0("ACROP", plot.est = TRUE) foreground <- ForIT_test_data %>% dplyr::filter(specie == "ACROP") %>% dplyr::mutate(vol = INFCvpe(specie, d130, h_dendro)) %>% ggplot2::geom_point(map = ggplot2::aes(h_dendro, d130, size = vol)) background + foreground # Adding a custom foreground rm(background, foreground) INFCaccuracyPlot0("ABIAL") # high resolution and quick, using pre-calculated backgroung values INFCaccuracyPlot("ABIAL") # default values produce a coarser resolution ## End(Not run)